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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just emotions...who needs them?

This is the part of the business I just don't like! When plans go awry and people cancel their parties :(. training today. She had to push it back and I had class during the newly scheduled time. And the young lady I was having the party for on the 24th cancelled on me today due to personal/family issues. I still have one more party (the dovetail party) on the 15th of October. I hope that one still holds. 

I'm seriously on a mission! I've got to get these parties on the books...! 

In other news: Thanks so much to my sisters for checking out my blog. You know who you are ;). 

And thank you to that one EXTRA special MAN in my life who supports my endeavor in my Mary Kay'll too reap the benefits. 

Another day tomorrow. Up semi-early, off to the hairdresser and back home to handle the other important side of my life: SCHOOL! 

Stay tuned for the next posting. 

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