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Monday, October 25, 2010

Apologies- I'm Back

Sorry!! I disappeared for quite a few is definitely kicking my butt right now! Hopefully, things will slow down and I can get back into the swing of things. 

Let me quickly update you:
- Dovetail party went well, sold a little over $100, and half of that is mine right off the top! Yay to that 50% commission. 
- Recently, I haven't done anything. I do however, have to mail 3 people their products. 
- Received a scavenger hunt game (Did I tell you guys about this already?!) to get 20 names in one day or in one week. Very hard for brain is telling me I can't, but my pockets are screaming for more parties!! Hopefully, I can get it together and do what I need to do. P.S. I gave my scavenger hunt paper to my mom's team member. 
- A young lady I was in undergrad with, who graduated 2 years before me, is a Mary Kay Consultant...she started in March and here it is October and she's a MK Red Jacket with 6 team other words, she's a team leader and 2 away from being a future director, and 4 away from being DIQ (Director-in-Qualification). Amazing!!

I honestly think Leadership reflects how your team members will work in their business. Her director is awesome: she became a director 13 months after she joined Mary Kay and she is a cadillac driving diva. Oh the dreams!! How do I get there? What is stopping me? Oh I know....myself, I get in my own way. 

Hopefully I can get out of my way and work! 

Leads produce parties; parties produce sales and team members; team members produce wholesale; wholesale produces commission checks! Ahhh!!! Get it together Brittany! 

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