Sorry!! I disappeared for quite a few is definitely kicking my butt right now! Hopefully, things will slow down and I can get back into the swing of things.
Let me quickly update you:
- Dovetail party went well, sold a little over $100, and half of that is mine right off the top! Yay to that 50% commission.
- Recently, I haven't done anything. I do however, have to mail 3 people their products.
- Received a scavenger hunt game (Did I tell you guys about this already?!) to get 20 names in one day or in one week. Very hard for brain is telling me I can't, but my pockets are screaming for more parties!! Hopefully, I can get it together and do what I need to do. P.S. I gave my scavenger hunt paper to my mom's team member.
- A young lady I was in undergrad with, who graduated 2 years before me, is a Mary Kay Consultant...she started in March and here it is October and she's a MK Red Jacket with 6 team other words, she's a team leader and 2 away from being a future director, and 4 away from being DIQ (Director-in-Qualification). Amazing!!
I honestly think Leadership reflects how your team members will work in their business. Her director is awesome: she became a director 13 months after she joined Mary Kay and she is a cadillac driving diva. Oh the dreams!! How do I get there? What is stopping me? Oh I know....myself, I get in my own way.
Hopefully I can get out of my way and work!
Leads produce parties; parties produce sales and team members; team members produce wholesale; wholesale produces commission checks! Ahhh!!! Get it together Brittany!
Recommitting to something is a huge step- - HUGE. And most recently I've recommitted to living in my pink bubble and really, earnestly, truly, take on my Mary Kay Career like a true champion. I'm nervous, scared, but that comes with the territory! I'm starting fresh, i'm starting new, and I'm definitely ready. Join in my Journey to Mary Kay Directorship. Keep up with me, laugh with me, cry with me, struggle with me... Positive Comments are welcome...keep your negativity to yourself.
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Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Just emotions...who needs them?
This is the part of the business I just don't like! When plans go awry and people cancel their parties :(. training today. She had to push it back and I had class during the newly scheduled time. And the young lady I was having the party for on the 24th cancelled on me today due to personal/family issues. I still have one more party (the dovetail party) on the 15th of October. I hope that one still holds.
I'm seriously on a mission! I've got to get these parties on the books...!
In other news: Thanks so much to my sisters for checking out my blog. You know who you are ;).
And thank you to that one EXTRA special MAN in my life who supports my endeavor in my Mary Kay'll too reap the benefits.
Another day tomorrow. Up semi-early, off to the hairdresser and back home to handle the other important side of my life: SCHOOL!
Stay tuned for the next posting. training today. She had to push it back and I had class during the newly scheduled time. And the young lady I was having the party for on the 24th cancelled on me today due to personal/family issues. I still have one more party (the dovetail party) on the 15th of October. I hope that one still holds.
I'm seriously on a mission! I've got to get these parties on the books...!
In other news: Thanks so much to my sisters for checking out my blog. You know who you are ;).
And thank you to that one EXTRA special MAN in my life who supports my endeavor in my Mary Kay'll too reap the benefits.
Another day tomorrow. Up semi-early, off to the hairdresser and back home to handle the other important side of my life: SCHOOL!
Stay tuned for the next posting.
Before I begin, this week's challenge (Wednesday to Wednesday) is to get 10 New Names (Leads).
Thursday: so far, 0. The day is NOT over.
- - -
What's facial training?! Well, it's when a consultant gets to sit in on a facial or a skin care class with a director and take notes and gain some great insight on how to sell the products. Today, I have a training with my director, Pia, at 3:30pm. I'm pretty excited to soak up anything and everything that I can. Pia is great at what she does and I'm thankful to be learning from the best.
Yesterday I was on a conference call with my mom and her business associates (I'm recruited under my mom). The call was GREAT and went exceptionally well. My Mom is 5 years in the business and on her way to becoming a Future Director *8 Active Business Associates* How exciting is that? We voted on a Future Unit Name and decided that every other Wednesday, we'll get together on a call and talk about how we are excelling in our businesses and to give each other sound advice and ideas.
Super excited for my mom!! Go Mommy!!
So today, I have to start getting some of these new names for my business. I've got these great business cards post cards to hand out:
Business Card:
And let's not forget:
GREAT NEWS: I have ONE party on the books for October 24th! Can you get excited? I can!! Oh and let's not forget about the wonderful DOVETAILing program with Mary Kay. Dovetailing is when a consultant has double booked her parties and needs someone to step in for her. Not only do you get to step in but you keep the customers and the profit! Mom double booked and now I have a potential party on the 15th of October! All Makeup Tips, and that's my type of class!
I finally have 2 opportunities to make some income! Yay me!
So let's recap:
- If I get 10 names this week, that leaves me with having to get 15 for the month.
- The numbers game in Mary Kay is that you have to book 8 parties to hold 5. So let's break this down:
Out of 25 names, let's say 10 book.
10 book so 7 will hold.
3 minimum at those 7 parties is 21 new customers.
Mary Kay says that there's always one new consultant at every party. (1 in 3)
21 customers divided into 3 = 7 potential recruits!! Can we get excited? That's Team Leader and one away from Future Director.
21 new customers give 5 referrals each, that's 105 potential names. And the cycle restarts itself.
Hopefully I can get a promo in somewhere amongst the month of October and gain some more names so that I can continue to play the cycle game! This is going to be fun!
Be back later to share with you my experience at this double facial training (My Director called while I was typing and she said it was a double facial!)
So excited for what's in store for me!
Thursday: so far, 0. The day is NOT over.
- - -
What's facial training?! Well, it's when a consultant gets to sit in on a facial or a skin care class with a director and take notes and gain some great insight on how to sell the products. Today, I have a training with my director, Pia, at 3:30pm. I'm pretty excited to soak up anything and everything that I can. Pia is great at what she does and I'm thankful to be learning from the best.
Yesterday I was on a conference call with my mom and her business associates (I'm recruited under my mom). The call was GREAT and went exceptionally well. My Mom is 5 years in the business and on her way to becoming a Future Director *8 Active Business Associates* How exciting is that? We voted on a Future Unit Name and decided that every other Wednesday, we'll get together on a call and talk about how we are excelling in our businesses and to give each other sound advice and ideas.
Super excited for my mom!! Go Mommy!!
So today, I have to start getting some of these new names for my business. I've got these great business cards post cards to hand out:
Business Card:
Appointment Postcard:
These postcards and business cards are made on Vista Print. I absolutely love Vista Print!! Thank you!!
And let's not forget:
GREAT NEWS: I have ONE party on the books for October 24th! Can you get excited? I can!! Oh and let's not forget about the wonderful DOVETAILing program with Mary Kay. Dovetailing is when a consultant has double booked her parties and needs someone to step in for her. Not only do you get to step in but you keep the customers and the profit! Mom double booked and now I have a potential party on the 15th of October! All Makeup Tips, and that's my type of class!
I finally have 2 opportunities to make some income! Yay me!
So let's recap:
- If I get 10 names this week, that leaves me with having to get 15 for the month.
- The numbers game in Mary Kay is that you have to book 8 parties to hold 5. So let's break this down:
Out of 25 names, let's say 10 book.
10 book so 7 will hold.
3 minimum at those 7 parties is 21 new customers.
Mary Kay says that there's always one new consultant at every party. (1 in 3)
21 customers divided into 3 = 7 potential recruits!! Can we get excited? That's Team Leader and one away from Future Director.
21 new customers give 5 referrals each, that's 105 potential names. And the cycle restarts itself.
Hopefully I can get a promo in somewhere amongst the month of October and gain some more names so that I can continue to play the cycle game! This is going to be fun!
Be back later to share with you my experience at this double facial training (My Director called while I was typing and she said it was a double facial!)
So excited for what's in store for me!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dreams & Goals
I joined Mary Kay for the simple and immediate impulse reason: MONEY $$$. As I continued my first journey through Mary Kay my first year, I realized what this business actually had to offer me. I've met women in Mary Kay who have done the impossible during thee most impossible times during their lives in unbelievable records.
For example, Gloria Mayfield-Banks, an absolutely fabulous woman who has been in this business for years and has become a Mary Kay Millionaire. Oh yes, a millionaire and it is indeed possible and she is not the only one. Click on her name and read all about her! I've met her and she's amazing.
With my new commitment to my Mary Kay career, I've got a few goals and dreams that I know Mary Kay will help to come true:
1. Purchase a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom home at the age of 26 (Now 23)
2. Financially independent by the age of 24
3. A pair of nude or brown Christian Louboutins (A girl's gotta dream ;) )
1. Earn the use of a Career Car: Chevy Malibu
2. Save $10,000
3. Mary Kay Star Recruiter (3 to 4 Business Associates): January 2011 *Red Jacket*
4. Mary Kay Team Leader (5 to 7 Business Associates): March 2011 *Career Conference*
5. Mary Kay Future Director (8 to 10 Business Associates): April 2011
6. Mary Kay Director-In-Qualification (DIQ): May 2011
7. Debut as a Mary Kay Sales Director: June 2011 *Seminar*
I've got a lot of work to do; looks like I've given myself 6 months to become a Director. Scary, but doable. My first job is to get some new leads (name and numbers of potential customers). I need a substantial amount by December so that I can get some parties on my books!
Let's the month of October, my challenge is to get 25 new leads. Yes? 25? Ok, I've got work to do! I'll also follow up with names I already have so that I can reschedule parties that were cancelled.
Stay tuned. Once I get some parties on my bookings, I'll let you know my sales.
For example, Gloria Mayfield-Banks, an absolutely fabulous woman who has been in this business for years and has become a Mary Kay Millionaire. Oh yes, a millionaire and it is indeed possible and she is not the only one. Click on her name and read all about her! I've met her and she's amazing.
With my new commitment to my Mary Kay career, I've got a few goals and dreams that I know Mary Kay will help to come true:
1. Purchase a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom home at the age of 26 (Now 23)
2. Financially independent by the age of 24
3. A pair of nude or brown Christian Louboutins (A girl's gotta dream ;) )
1. Earn the use of a Career Car: Chevy Malibu
2. Save $10,000
3. Mary Kay Star Recruiter (3 to 4 Business Associates): January 2011 *Red Jacket*
4. Mary Kay Team Leader (5 to 7 Business Associates): March 2011 *Career Conference*
5. Mary Kay Future Director (8 to 10 Business Associates): April 2011
6. Mary Kay Director-In-Qualification (DIQ): May 2011
7. Debut as a Mary Kay Sales Director: June 2011 *Seminar*
I've got a lot of work to do; looks like I've given myself 6 months to become a Director. Scary, but doable. My first job is to get some new leads (name and numbers of potential customers). I need a substantial amount by December so that I can get some parties on my books!
Let's the month of October, my challenge is to get 25 new leads. Yes? 25? Ok, I've got work to do! I'll also follow up with names I already have so that I can reschedule parties that were cancelled.
Stay tuned. Once I get some parties on my bookings, I'll let you know my sales.
Introducing a newly committed Mary Kay Consultant
Welp! It's way too late to turn back now! I have officially made the commitment to re-commit to my Mary Kay career. [GULP]. This decision came to me after reading my first "power thought" in Joyce Meyer's new book "Power Thoughts." I am taking on the 12-week challenge to change my mental attitude in order to increase my altitude not only in my business, but in my life.
My first power thought of the week: I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13.
Clearly, there is nothing I can't do without the guidance of God. I just have to learn how to ask and put myself to work. God helps those who help themselves; I admit that when I first joined Mary Kay I was NOT helping myself. I figured the desires I held in my heart about Mary Kay would come naturally- - as if it would just fall into my lap. A year later...yes a year...I now know that it does not work like that. I am, starting over. I am indeed nervous, scared- fighting hard not to bite my freshly manicured nails. But, it's something I have to do in order to make money in this season of my life. The income potential in Mary Kay is unlimited- I am sitting on a gold mine without a shovel to dig deep for the gold. You can't get to the gold without putting the shovel to work.
This blog was created in order to keep me on track, keep me disciplined to my commitment. My blog will keep me motivated to update cyberspace until someone starts to read it and comment on it- - the motivation will only increase and not decrease.
Every day I will try my best to complete my Unit's (YAY Pia's Peak Performers) challenge in order to advance in my business. I will keep you updated on my progress, as well as exciting news in Mary Kay. Check out the video bar, my list of favorite products, and other tidbits on my blog. I'll also post some great things about our products and business opportunity.
I ask that if you decide to comment- - whoever you are out there- - please keep your comments positive; there is no vacancy for negativity.
Wish me luck!! : D. Oh and feel free to ask questions!
Visit my website
My first power thought of the week: I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13.
Clearly, there is nothing I can't do without the guidance of God. I just have to learn how to ask and put myself to work. God helps those who help themselves; I admit that when I first joined Mary Kay I was NOT helping myself. I figured the desires I held in my heart about Mary Kay would come naturally- - as if it would just fall into my lap. A year later...yes a year...I now know that it does not work like that. I am, starting over. I am indeed nervous, scared- fighting hard not to bite my freshly manicured nails. But, it's something I have to do in order to make money in this season of my life. The income potential in Mary Kay is unlimited- I am sitting on a gold mine without a shovel to dig deep for the gold. You can't get to the gold without putting the shovel to work.
This blog was created in order to keep me on track, keep me disciplined to my commitment. My blog will keep me motivated to update cyberspace until someone starts to read it and comment on it- - the motivation will only increase and not decrease.
Every day I will try my best to complete my Unit's (YAY Pia's Peak Performers) challenge in order to advance in my business. I will keep you updated on my progress, as well as exciting news in Mary Kay. Check out the video bar, my list of favorite products, and other tidbits on my blog. I'll also post some great things about our products and business opportunity.
I ask that if you decide to comment- - whoever you are out there- - please keep your comments positive; there is no vacancy for negativity.
Wish me luck!! : D. Oh and feel free to ask questions!
Visit my website
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